Saturday, July 02, 2005

African Archaeology Congress
The 12th congress of the Pan African Archaeological Association will be hosted next month by the University of Botswana: "The Pan African Association for Archaeology and Related Studies (PAA) was founded in Nairobi, Kenya in 1947. Since then, the Association has held congresses in different African countries every four years. The main goal of the PAA is to promote archaeological research into the African past as well as the conservation and management of the African archaeological and other heritages, both tangible and intangible. Research findings for evaluation include new work on the evolution of species, the origins of African agriculture, early African metallurgy and the development of early African urban systems and complex societies. . . . Research findings for evaluation include new work on the evolution of species, the origins of African agriculture, early African metallurgy and the development of early African urban systems and complex societies". See the article for more information.

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