Sunday, June 03, 2007

Egyptian tomb discovered in Saqara (
UPDATE 05/06/07: There is still considerable doubt that this is a recent news story - it may be news repeated from last year.

"A Dutch mission from Leiden Museum has just come across a huge tomb that dates back to the era of King Akhenaton, the 19th dynasty, some 3,500 years ago. Located in Giza's Saqqara area, the tomb belongs to a priest called Meri Neet, who had become known as the chief superintendent of god Aton at the time. A source with the mission said they also found the burial chamber, but were not that lucky with the mummy. But the tomb contained canopian utensils on which the names of the four sons of god Horus are engraved, he said. Not just that, the Dutch mission also discovered a rare stone slab bearing the image of a woman holding a bunch of flowers, he said, noting that the design followed ancient Egyptian art known in Menya at the time. Also found was a cartouche belonging to King Snosert III, an indication that the tomb had been re-sued later on. The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities has prepared a detailed report on the new discovery to refer it to Culture Minister Farouq Hosni to endorse the finances needed to complete the digging operations around the area and touch up discovered items. It seems that one can keep on digging to unearth more ancient Egyptian monuments without getting to the very last item buried, for little do we know about what the wily Pharaohs had been capable of."
This is the full bulletin on the State Information Service website.

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