Sunday, March 09, 2008

Fiction: Makere, The Female Pharaoh - Queen of Sheba

Telegraph and Argus (Mel Fairhurst)

An 86-year-old writer has finally fulfilled his life-long dream of publishing a book - after researching his topic for more than 50 years.

Pensioner Royston Moore's boyhood fascination with Egypt evolved in to an obsession about Makere Hatshepsut, Ancient Egypt's female Pharaoh.

And Mr Moore, who received a CBE in 1983 for his work as a principal of Bradford Technical College, could cause a stir in the world of Egyptology as he believes the accepted chronology of Ancient Egypt is 500 years out of date.

This, he believes, puts Hatshepsut as ruler of Egypt between 1050 BC and 990 BC and not around 1500 BC.

And, he believes she was, in fact, the Queen of Sheba and would have known King Solomon.

After moulding his findings into a fictional novel Makere, The Female Pharaoh - Queen of Sheba, more than 20 years ago, it has finally been published by Trafford Publishing in Canada.

See the above page for the full story.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the link given in the "full story" doesn't work. If you're interested in the book, try

Ray Stilwell

Anonymous said...

Even easier, the book is available at Amazon for USD38.23.


Andie said...

I've retried the original link and it works for me. Sorry that you had problems with it though, and thanks to both for the alternative links. Best, Andie