For the latest installment of the Claire Malloy series," Mummy Dearest," Hess came up with the perfect reason for her leading lady to venture far away from her hometown of Farberville: a honeymoon. Thus, the next book, to be released April 15, takes place in the southern Egyptian city of Luxor.
The 59-year-old Hess is no stranger to international travel, having gone to such destinations as Europe, Japan and even the Galapagos Islands, yet none of her trips was the impetus for her more than 35 novels. At least, not until she went to Egypt in late February 2006 with good friend and fellow mystery writer, Barbara Mertz, who has a doctorate in Egyptology from the University of Chicago. "She has been going for years and years and years and I finally said that I might be interested in going with her. I don't think I could go to Egypt on my own. We might consider the trip to Egypt as research for a book, which makes it a business deduction," Hess said, followed by a smirk. "If I hadn't wanted to come to Egypt, I would have written a book about something else."
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1 comment:
Good grief, Andie! It took a blog from London to inform me of a book by one of my favorite authors. One, I might add, that lives in the same area I do! See, you are indispensable.
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