Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Nicholas Reeves launches a new website

Thanks to Dr Nick Reeves for letting me know that he has recently launched a new website about his work in Egyptology at the above address. For those of you who aren't familiar with Nicholas Reeves, he has a long background in Egyptology and worked for a number of seasons in the Valley of the Kings with his Amarna Royal Tombs Project, when survey by radar identified KV63, which was excavated by Otto Schaden's team, and a second chamber which so far remains unexcavated. The plan is to develp the website so that content which is not easily accessible elsewhere will be available here - particularly focusing on information about Amarna and the Valley of the Kings. Definately one to watch if you're interests lie in this direction.


Anonymous said...

R-rays and Radar are not properly the same.....

X-rays have a wavelenght in the order of nanometres (1 nm = 1 x 10exp-9 m) and are very dangerous for men (you can't have a CAT every day.....); Radar uses radio waves or microwaves (the same of the oven): the wavelenght is in the order of metres.

A "small" difference of scale at least of 1,000,000,000....

Andie said...

I'll take your word for it :-). Thanks Pier. Andie