Sunday, January 04, 2009

Daily Photo by Bob Partridge (Ancient Egypt magazine)

Another simply lovely photograph of Medinet Madi in the Faiyum Depression

Click image to see a bigger version of the image

With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine.
Copyright Bob Partridge.


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! About how old or which dynasty is he from? See how the details of the mane and whiskers are different, even though the pose is the same as A III's Soleb Lions.

Andie said...

Isn't he great? Medinet Madi is a really lovely site. The temple was established in the 12th Dynasty, restored in the 19th and then expanded upon in the Graeco-Roman period. I am up in Wales again but as far as I remember this chap from the Ptolemaic phase. I'll see if there is anything on our bookshelves here, otherwise I'll check when I get back to London at the end of the week.

Andie said...

I've had a look at the books we have here in Wales but there's nothing very useful. I'll have a dig around when I get back to London. I note that the Egyptian Archaeology magazine (Egypt Exploration Society) had articles about the site in issues 8 and 10, which I may have back in London. Leave it with me :-)