Sunday, January 03, 2010

Feature: Truth on Display

Tim Reid's Egyptians blog

Continuing his theme on Egyptian artefacts currently held by collections outside Egypt Tim has provided a roundup of some of the more contraversial items that are to be found in European museums. See Tim's post, above, for the full story. Here's a short extract.

Certainly the battle of Egypt's authorities to retrieve artifacts that have gone abroad over the last 200 years is in full swing though the bust of Nefertiti is the star of this cause there are still many more questionable important artifacts. I have not included those monuments taken to Rome in Imperial times.

Perhaps the most blatant provenance of theft is the 19th dynasty book of the dead of Ani that Wallace Budge went way overboard in its acquisition. Including detention by authorities, removal of the book of the dead at the time accompanied by an 18th dynasty book of the dead and a 20th dynasty book of the dead all were re acquired and sent in ambassadorial baggage to London before the Egyptian authorities could stop them from leaving. All three books were secured for and are in the British museum.

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