Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chariot of Tutankhamun Arrives in New York

Art Museum Journal (Stan Parchin)

With photos

A sleek ancient Egyptian Chariot (ca. 1332-1323 B.C.) went on view this morning in the special exhibition Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs at New York's Discovery Times Square Exposition (April 23, 2010-January 2, 2011). The wooden horse-drawn vehicle was the fifth and largest artifact from the boy-king's tomb to join the traveling show of more than 130 artifacts since its return to the United States in 2009. Present at the unveiling was David P. Silverman, Curator of the Egyptian Section at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and the installation’s distinguished interpreter. Sanaa Ahmed Ali, Director of the Luxor Museum (the chariot's permanent home), and her assistants were also available to answer questions.

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