Thursday, June 30, 2011

Online: Tarek Waly Centre

Tarek Waly Centre (Journal)
Tarek Waly Centre (Articles)

Thanks to Geoffrey Tassie for sending me the links to the above site, which has open access publications.


Our founding as a heritage planning and architectural practice evolved around the cultural continuum … Our prime responsibility; helping perpetuate this continuum, by both drawing on past practitioners and, looking to pass it on to the coming generations

Social-urban heritage and the architecture of the place are the heart of our interest and expertise…Through analytically reading and critiquing this built – or at times, once built - heritage, we explore the geometry and patterns that provided it its being... its value

Our urban and architectural contributions to places of either a strong or a nascent heritage value, respect and, are informed by these geometries in an attempt to accomplish a lasting and relevant architecture... and heritage


The Tarek Waly Center, Architecture & Heritage was founded in 1998 to create a vision for the historic quarter of Cairo.

Since then we have established ourselves as a heritage planning practice with a portfolio of almost twenty heritage sites including the Giza Pyramids World Heritage Site.

Our interests and experience cover;
  • Research on the historic value of a site or place in the form of a complete overview and time-line
  • Urban and architectural design and design-guidelines for the immediate and surrounding built environment
  • Design of the visitor experience

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