Sunday, March 16, 2008

Egyptology Blog - Updates and 4th Birthday

I will be away from an Internet connection as from today for the next two weeks, so the blog will not be updated. My apologies, but I will backdate the blog as usual on my return. Hopefully nothing astounding happens in my absence!

At the same time, the blog will have its fourth birthday on the 28th March, which is a few days before I return. It is easy to keep track of the age of this blog because, for reasons now lost in the mists of time (or, more probably, the bubbles of Champagne), I started it on my 40th birthday. The blog is 40 years younger than me, but on some days it seems as though it has been around for most of my life!

Many thanks to all visitors for continuing to visit - it is lovely to know that so many people share the same interest. I would also like to partiularly thank those people who provide a safety net for me by picking up some of my errors, typos etc. I am particularly busy at the moment so your help is invaluable.

Special thanks to everyone who has contributed news items and photos. This is my chance to say some sincere thank-yous to some great people, without whom this blog would be a much paler effort:

*Kat Newkirk*
Chris Townsend
David Petersen

Thierry Benderitter
Greg Reeder
Bob Partridge
Vincent Brown
Mark Morgan
Aayko Eyma and EEF News
Ingeborg Waanders
Paula Veiga (sorry for the mis-spell in the original post)
Pierfranco Dotti
Stan Parchin
Rick Menges
Pierre Daoust
Geoffrey Tassie
Fred Sierevogel
David Gill
Chuck Jones
Page from Dakhleh
The ASADE email list

And not forgetting the excellent Google Alerts and Google Reader services.


fred said...

Kat Newkirk*
Chris Townsend
David Petersen

Thierry Benderitter
Greg Reeder
Bob Partridge
Vincent Brown
Mark Morgan
Aayko Eyma and EEF News
Ingeborg Waanders
Paula Viega
Pierfranco Dotti
Stan Parchin
Rick Menges
Pierre Daoust
Geoffrey Tassie
Fred Sierevogel
David Gill
Chuck Jones
Page from Dakhleh
The ASADE email list

okè andie,,thanks you!!

sy you,greetings fred sierevogel

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful & deserved
blog-free holiday!
And do not worry, while you
are gone nothing much will
happen. Zahi will find the
tomb of Kiya, the Bolton mummy
proves to be Khamwaset, and
that spaceship under the Great
Pyramid finally will start
ticking again. Nothing much more.
Concrats with the 4 year!

Anonymous said...

Dear Andy,

your absense will be sorely missed, but have a great time and a happy upcoming birthday!

Thank you for the nice comment and see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you and your nice blog!

And, a little late, to me: I was born on 4 march...

Come back soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Andie!
May you have a wonderful and exciting year ahead.
Enjoy your break.


Anonymous said...

credit cards

happy birthday

Anonymous said...

Dear Andie,

Happy Birthday! You've one of the best blogs going, the care you put into it shows.

Anonymous said...

So,nice. Happy birthday.Andie

Jane Akshar said...

Thanks for all you have done, big time appreciated

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Andie.
Your blog is always a pleasure to read. When you are away...I miss you.
Thierry Benderitter

Kate Phizackerley said...


A very happy birthday and a big thank you for your blog and work.


Andie said...


What a lovely set of comments to come back to. Thanks very much everyone - I had a lovely birthday in Siwa, with the biggest cake you have ever seen.
