Monday, January 19, 2009

Eton Myers Collection virtual museum + Sudan Archive Digitisation

JISC - Eton Myers

Thanks very much to Jonathan Calvert for pointing me at this site.

The Eton Myers Collection Virtual Museum will provide the centre piece of the University of Birmingham’s Virtual Worlds Laboratory (VWL), by providing virtual access to a database of high-resolution raw data and 3D models of artefacts via an unlimited Internet interface. The University of Birmingham Myers Collection originates from Eton College, and consists of approximately 3000 objects of ancient Egyptian art. Many of the items in the collection are of exceptional quality and of significant academic and display value but, due to their fragility, are sensitive to movement and deterioration. Until now, access to the collection for research and teaching purposes has been severely restricted.

JISC - Sudan Archive Digitisation Project

This project will digitise key printed and archive resources from Durham University's Sudan Archive to make them freely accessible via the internet to scholars all over the world. It will be a pilot to establish a preservation quality digitisation suite within Durham University's Archives and Special Collections.

The project will establish the hardware and the procudures needed by the University to carry out future digitisation of key materials. It will seek to solve the current problem of heavily-used, fragile, modern documents (which particularly occur in the Sudan Archive) by providing a sustainable preservation, digitisation and access systems. It will provide a demonstartion of the staffing needs for creating a permanent digitisation post. The various materials will provide new forms of content for our developing digital repository.

See the above pages for more, including links to related projects.

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