Another report about the tiny golden coffin found at KV63: "The archaeologists discovered seven coffins; there are no mummies in the first five they have opened, but there is one big surprise.
When they first peered into one of the coffins, they found a layer of six pillows, all of which were almost perfectly preserved in the vacuum-packed tomb after more than 3,000 years. At least one of the pillows contained hieroglyphic markings reading, 'life, stability, and power.' But as the team carefully removed them, they noticed a much smaller coffin buried inside.
As lead archaeologist Otto Schaden picked it up, the light of a torch caught a glimmer of gold.
'Everybody burst into applause,' says Anthony Geffen, producer of the Discovery Channel's Egypt's New Tomb Revealed, who was present for the discovery May 24. 'Everyone's (usually) very reserved in the world of archaeology.'
Schaden, an Egyptologist for the University of Memphis in Tennessee, cradled the coffin like a child as others broke into tears.
See the above page for the full story.
Thanks very much to Crew Creative Media for their invitation to use photographs associated with the Discovery Channel's above-mentioned programme.

As lead archaeologist Otto Schaden picked it up, the light of a torch caught a glimmer of gold.
'Everybody burst into applause,' says Anthony Geffen, producer of the Discovery Channel's Egypt's New Tomb Revealed, who was present for the discovery May 24. 'Everyone's (usually) very reserved in the world of archaeology.'
Schaden, an Egyptologist for the University of Memphis in Tennessee, cradled the coffin like a child as others broke into tears.
See the above page for the full story.

The official Discovery press release was linked to yesterday:
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