Many thanks to André J. Veldmeijer for the information that the January 2007 issue of the free PalArch journal is now online at the above address.
The issue includes in PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology:
A.J. Veldmeijer: Preliminary report on the leatherwork from Roman Berenike, Egyptian Red Sea Coast (1994-2000)
The issue includes the following book reviews:
- Duin, van der, M. 2007: Ambrose, T. & C. Paine. 2006. Museum basics. Second edition. (London/New York, Routledge).
- Tebes, J.M. 2007: Bienkowski, P. & K. Galor. Eds. 2006. Crossing the Rift. Resources, Routes, Settlement Patterns and Interaction in the Wadi Arabah. (Oxford, Oxbow [Levant Supplementary Series Volume 3]).
- Veldmeijer, A.J. 2007: Hellenbarth, J. 2006. Gräber und Tempel. Archäologische Stätten in Oberägypten und Nubien. 2007. (Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern [calender]).
- Hagen, F. 2007: Jasnow, R. & K.-Th. Zauzich. 2005. The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth: A Demotic Discourse on Knowledge and Pendant to the Classical Hermetica (Volume I & II). (Wiesbaden, Otto Harrasowitz).
- Moje, J. 2007: Morenz, L.D. 2004. Bild-Buchstaben und symbolische Zeichen. Die Herausbildung der Schrift in der hohen Kultur Altägyptens.(Fribourg, Academic Press/Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht [Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 205]).
- Veldmeijer, A.J. 2007: Wedel, C. 2005. Nofretete und das Geheimnis von Amarna. (Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern [Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie]).
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