Still lurking on Lake Nasser (mainly because I was in the file to find the Qasr Ibrim photos), here are images of Beit al-Wali. New Kalabsha is just to the south of Aswan, which can be visited as a morning/day trip from Aswan. A number of monuments rescued from the rising waters of Lake Nasser were assembled here, and one of the most beautiful is Beit al-Wali, which was originally a small rock cut temple of Ramesses II. Its name translates as House of the Holy Man, following its use as a Christian church - a fate that overcame many of the Nubian temples. It is has fabulous relief decoration in the forecourt and lovely paintwork on the interior. A number of deities closely associated with First Cataract, and not often seen elsewhere are also shown, which add to the appeal of the temple - including Khnum (the chief deity of ancient Elephantine), Satis and Anukis.

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