Monday, November 19, 2007

Exhibition: Tutankhamun (again)

The ITN website has a video news report about the exhibition. More than 325,000 tickets have already been sold or reserved for the exhibition.

There are five very beautiful images of exhibits from the Tutankhamun exhibition on the above page.

I've received a scatter of emails from people giving their first impressions of the exhibition, and they tend to be either very negative or very positive. The overall impression that they give is that the items are all very beautiful and if you can blank out the background glitz and muzak, they retain their magic. I wasn't going to go, having visited the Cairo exhibits many times, and having a general loathing of crowded places, but I am tempted to go along just to see what I make of the whole thing myself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you: I generally hate to have too many people around me, expecially when I'm in a beautiful place!

If I would be rich, I would pay to be closed alone, for example, in Karnak temple for several days!

Or living in King's valley for a week, sleeping in Sethi I tomb!

I know, I'm crazy.....