Sunday, March 30, 2008

Video: De schatten van het Egyptisch Museum

Avro (in Dutch, but the video is worth watching even if you don't understand the commentary)

Thanks very much to Ingeborg Waanders for this link. I lived in the Netherlands when I was young, and it is amazing how much of this I could actually understand!

De catacomben van het Egyptisch Museum in Caïro bevatten een rijkdom aan niet geïnventariseerde archeologische kunstvoorwerpen. De eerste vrouwelijke museumdirecteur in Egypte, dr. Wafaa El Saddik, heeft de spannende maar zware taak op zich genomen om samen met haar team uit te zoeken wat er precies allemaal in de kelders te vinden is.


Anonymous said...

Hi Andie,

just out of curiousity, where in Holland did you live?

I'm in a small country-towm in the east....

Andie said...

Scheveningen. On Badhuisweg, if you know the town. Very windy but great to be so near to the beach!

The wonderful Kurhaus, at the top of the road, was derelict when I lived there, but I worked for a few months in Amsterdam a few years ago and had the chance to visit Scheveningen. I couldn't believe how great it looks now.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's a wonderful place. If you have to live somewhere in Holland, that's a good one. The Kurhaus is really a landmark and I'm glad they are looking after it properly now.

Must be strange though, standing on the beach looking out over the water and knowing "home" is just out of sight on the other side of it.....