Monday, April 21, 2008

Heritage Conservation Think Tank

Egypt Today (Nadine el Sayed)

He who has a back can’t be hit in his stomach,” is the adage behind the new student-run Heritage Conservation Think Tank (HCTT). And if more Egyptians both remembered and honored their 7,000 years of ‘back,’ then a better and stronger future for the country would no doubt be in store.

That’s the credo of the project’s co-founders, Hassan Shehawy, 21, and Sherif Abo Al-Hadeed, 23. Disillusioned with the population’s lack of knowledge about the nation’s rich history and tired of waiting for the government to take action, they decided to take matters into their own hands, launching the think tank in an attempt to strengthen the sense of cultural identity among Egyptians.

“We have 7,000 years of history but we forget them,” Shehawy says, “and so we forgot we have a back and now we’re being hit in the stomach. If we remember our long ‘back’, our history, we will feel a responsibility towards [it] and work not only to conserve it, but to complete it and move forward.”

Neither founder has a professional or even academic interest in history: Shehawy is an engineering student at Cairo University, while Abo Al-Hadeed holds a masters in microbiology. Abo Al-Hadeed says that a person’s education or specialization shouldn’t prevent him from caring about his country’s heritage.


Anonymous said...

Just a few minutes ago I read this article in Egypt Today. Perfect. I now see that at least there's someone in Egypt doing the action that I can't do from far away. I'd love to join them. I wholeheartedly hope they succeed, a dream come true!!

P.S. does the HCTT have a website? or a way of contact?

El7awafreet said...

Dear Sir ,

I thank you for posting the Article on your blog and your interest in joining the HCTT , my name is Sherif Aboelhadeed , and I will be glad if you could join us , on the orientation session that will be on friday the 13th of Feb. 2009 , At al Sawi Culture Wheel , for more information , contact me at

I thank you very much ,


Sherif M.Aboelhadid