Thanks HUGELY to Ben Morales-Correa for doing such a fantastic job whilst I was soaking up the sun and sights in Italy. You would not believe how much it has lightened my load to know that, thanks to Ben's work, I don't have to backdate the site for the past week. It is a task which takes me an absolute age to do. I can't begin to say how grateful I am.
As usual my thanks also go to fabulous Kat Newkirk for the ongoing emails with news items.
I managed to track down three of Rome's obelisks. I didn't dare sort out my entire visit to Rome around possible obelisk sightings because the friend with whom I was traveling would have murdered me. But I will update the blog at some point with the obelisk photographs. I do wonder why Bernini thought that an elephant was a suitable stand for one of the obelisks. It is a truly wonderful elephant, but a slightly bizarre stand for the stark severity of the small obelisk which sits upon it.
I'll be updating the blog again as from tomorrow. As I said previously, Ben is more than welcome to add posts to this site, so hopefully we won't have seen the last of him here, but don't forget that you can visit his blog Egypt Then and Now.
Obelisks in Rome are 13.
Obelisk in Minerva Square means knowledge, and elephant means wisdom: wisdom must support knowledge (is it always true?).
But it seems that the "back" of the elephant is in direction of a XVII century friars convent.....
Thank you Andie and all your readership for the opportunity. It was a great experience and a priviledge to work with such a great group of people dedicated to Egyptology. May we all live in Maat.
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