British Association for Near Eastern Archaology
Annual Conference 2009
The Annual Conference of the British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA) will be held at Durham University, between Thursday 8th and Saturday 10th January2009
The conference will start on the evening of Thursday 8th with an invited lecture at 7.00 pm by Professor Steven Mithen (Reading University) on The archaeology of human settlement in the Jordan Valley: it’s (nearly) all about water. (see Keynote)
The lecture will be followed by a Reception in the Department of Archaeology.
Registration will take place in the Department of Archaeology from 5.00 pm in the Birley Room of the Dept. of Archaeology. (see Bookings/Registration).
On Friday and Saturday the registration desk will be in the Atrium outside the main cluster Chemistry-Geology Lecture Rooms, where the main sessions will take place. (see Sessions)
Call for papers: Paper titles are currently requested for submissions to any of the proposed sessions; the deadline for title submission is Sunday 16th November 2008 and should be submitted by e-mail to the relevant session organiser (see Sessions).
Any further enquiries regarding the conference should be addressed to either Prof. Graham Philip graham.philip@durham.ac.uk or Prof. Tony Wilkinson t.j.wilkinson@durham.ac.uk
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