Friday, December 19, 2008

Egypt at Manchester Museum blog: Curator’s Diary

Egypt at the Manchester Museum (Karen Exell)

Yesterday Dr Margaret Serpico came to the Museum to talk to the Egypt and Archaeology gallery content development team about her experiences acting as the Egypt consultant for the new displays of the Egyptian material at the Brighton Museum. The Brighton Egypt collection consists of c. 1400 objects and has never been displayed before. It was donated to the Brighton Museum by Francis Llewellyn Griffiths, who excavated with Flinders Petrie, and who had family in Brighton. Dr Serpico gave a fascinating account of the highs and lows of gallery redevelopment. The Brighton Egypt gallery is due to open at the end of March 2009.

I have just about finished writing up the archaeology and Egypt gallery redevelopment consultation report, drawing togther the discussions from the year-long audience consultation events. This will from one of the sources on which the gallery design brief will draw, and will be circulated shortly.

See the above page for the rest of the post.

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