Monday, January 26, 2009

Hassan Fathy update

Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar)

For those of you unfamiliar with his work Fathy was an Egyptian architect who returned to traditional materials and techniques to design and build very beautiful buildings which were practical for the Egyptian climate and social traditions. In 1980 he was awarded the Aga Khan Award for Architecture Chairman's Award in 1980. There are photos of his work on the KMT Space website and the Fathy Heritage website.

International expertise mission of the international association SAVE THE HERITAGE OF HASSAN FATHY, New Gourna Village


The international mission constituted by a representative of CRAterre - ENSAG and Chair of UNESCO for Earthern architecture, Egyptian architects, academics and experts in adobe architecture as well as the founder members of the association, has noted that since the creation of the SAVE THE HERITAGE OF HASSAN FATHY in February 2008 and despite the support of the international community, Egyptian and international institutions as well as the honorific patronage of H. E. Madame Suzanne Mubarak, New Gourna is continuing to deteriorate daily.

The most alarming fact that should be stopped immediately is that behind the theater of New Gourna village, on the beautiful esplanade planned by Hassan Fathy for events and festivities, two new concrete buildings are being constructed.

See Jane's post above, for more.

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