Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Heritage Conservation Think Tank

Last year, in April 2008, I posted an article on Egypt Today (which is still available online) about the student-run Heritage Conservation Think Tank. A comment in response, from someone who signed himself "Egypt" and didn't supply any contact details, asked if there was some way of joining the group. Today there was a reply to that comment from a member of the HCTT. Here it is, for those who want to pursue the matter:

Dear Sir ,

I thank you for posting the Article on your blog and your interest in joining the HCTT, my name is Sherif Aboelhadeed , and I will be glad if you could join us on the orientation session that will be on friday the 13th of Feb. 2009 At al Sawi Culture Wheel, for more information , contact me at S.Aboelhadid@gmail.com

I thank you very much ,


Sherif M.Aboelhadid

Best wishes to them...I have emailed Sherif to find out more about their operation, but if anyone attends the meeting or has any information about any of their activities I would be glad to know.

1 comment:

Nardine Omar said...

Yes, I know you can check out their activities at their website: www.hctt.site90.com