This is probably the longest email I've ever posted on the blog but it is for an excellent cause (All proceeds go towards the conservation of objects in the remarkable Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology) and will probably be of interest to a large number of readers. There are some books on this list which are classics, and many are very difficult to get hold of. I won't be updating the blog with more auctuion information so if you want to keep track of the auction and watch bids, you must subscribe to the email address below:
To subscribe to the auction newsletter email the words auction subscribe in the subject line to petriebooks@ijnet.demon.co.uk. Remember that you can 'unsubscribe' at any time.
This email auction will culminate on the evening of 14 December with a live auction. The auction is open to all and will be held at the Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre, Roberts Engineering Building UCL, corner of Malet Place and Torrington Place, WC1. Viewing from 6.00, auction starts at 6.45
The complete list follows below with starting prices on all volumes inviting bids (BID?). As bids come in the bid is listed with the bidder's initials alongside, e.g. GBP 10 (JP)
TO BID, please either cut and paste title with your bid added, or give me the book number(s) and your bid. Please don't return the entire list- unless you're bidding on everything! Regular updates on the state of the bidding will be sent out. All bids should be sent to petriebooks@ijnet.demon.co.uk
Closing date for email bids will be Thursday 10 December. All bids will be carried forward to the evening of 14 December. No books will be sold before that date so that Friends and others not on email will have a chance to participate.
The highest email bidder will be invited to submit a final ceiling-price which will ONLY be used - in increments - if he/she is outbid on the evening.
We reserve the right to withdraw, cancel, or change the rules if it all gets too complicated.
If you wish to cancel your receipt of any further auction information just send an email with 'auction delete' in the header and we won't bother you again.
After the auction successful bidders will be contacted with the amount owed for their books.
All prices will be plus postage, payable in advance in GB pounds by cash, UK cheque, or overseas bankers cheque drawn on a UK bank, (or Post Office Giro-cheques from Europe are reasonably priced, or postal orders) so please bear that in mind when making your bid. Sorry, but we don't have the facilities to accept direct credit card payment although we can accept payment via PAYPAL. Books can be collected from the Museum by prior arrangement.
Best wishes, and good luck!!
Jan Picton
paperback: p/b; hardback: h/b, out of print: o/p;
dust-jacket: d/j; (very) good condition: (v).g.c.; illustrations: ills; GBP : GB pounds
PETRIE MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS - for sale, not part of the auction
Helmy, M & Nisbet, E. Hidden Histories: objects of daily adornment, exhibition catalogue, Petrie Museum 2008, 48pp full colour booklet, GBP 5
Picton, J.E., Quirke, S. & Roberts P.C., Living Images: Egyptian Funerary Portraits in the Petrie Museum, Left Coast Press 2007, GBP 25 (GBP 20 for PMF members)
Picton, J.E. & Pridden, I.R. (eds) Unseen Images: Archive Photographs in the Petrie Museum, GHP 2008, GBP 25 (GBP 20 to PMF members)
Trope Excavating Egypt Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College, London. Ed. Betsy Teasley Trope. Michael C. Carlos Museum 2005. ISBN: 1928917062. GBP 25 (GBP 22.50 to PMF members)
Pioneering Women in Archaeology. Petrie U3A Project report, b/w. GBP 5 Without Amelia Edwards and Margaret Murray the Petrie Museum would not exist in the form that we know it today. A group of volunteers from the University of the Third Age (U3A) took part in a Shared Learning Project that investigated the lives of these two women. The team worked on archival documents at the Petrie Museum and visited other archives in London and Oxford, finding previously unpublished material. This booklet is their final report.
General / Classical / Ancient Near East
1. Baldry, H.C. Ancient Greek Literature in its Living Context, Thames & Hudson 1968, 144pp, 123 ills, BID GBP 2?
2. Boethius, A. Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture, (Pelican History of Art), Penguin 1978 p/b, 264pp, 186 b/w figs, good, BID GBP 4?
3. Bray, W. & Trump, D. Penguin Dictionary of Archaeology, 1970 p/b, BID GBP 2?
4. Browne, D. Principles and Practice in Modern Archaeology, London 1975 p/b, BID GBP 2?
5. Bushnell, G.H.S. The First Americans: the pre-Columbian Civilizations, Thames & Hudson 1978, 144pp, 138 ills, BID GBP 2?
6. Champion, S. A Dictionary of Terms and Techniques in Archaeology, Phaidon 1980 p/b, BID GBP 2?
7. Culican, W. First Merchant Venturers: the Ancient Levant in History and Commerce, Thames & Hudson 1966, 142pp, 139 ills, fair, BID GBP 2?
8. Herodotus: The Histories, Penguin 1968 p/b, BID GBP 2?
9. Higgins, R. Minoan and Mycenaean Art, Thames & Hudson World of Art Library, 1971 ed. 216pp, 241 b/w figs, good, BID GBP 4?
10. Hood, S. The Home of Heroes: the Aegean before the Greeks, Thames & Hudson 1974, 144pp, 122 ills, BID GBP 2?
11. Lloyd, S. Art of the Ancient Near East, T&H World of Art Library, h/b d/j, vgc. 302pp, 245 col. & b/w ills, BID GBP 8?
12. Lloyd, S. Early Highland Peoples of Anatolia, Thames & Hudson 1967, 142pp, 146 ills, BID GBP 2?
13. Mallowan, M.E.L. Early Mesopotamia and Iran, Thames & Hudson 1965, 142pp, 142 ills, BID GBP 2?
14. Mallowan, M.E.L. The Nimrud Ivories, BMP 1978 p/b, 62pp, 69 b/w ills, good, BID GBP 3?
15. Mellaart, J. Earliest Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Library of Early Civilizations, London 1965 p/b 143pp, 108 ills colour & b/w, BID GBP 2?
16. Plutarch: The Age of Alexander, Penguin 1983 p/b, BID GBP 2?
17. Plutarch: the Rise and Fall of Athens, Penguin 1983 ed. p/b, BID GBP 2?
18. Von Deursen, A. Illustrated Dictionary of Bible Manners and Customs, Liverpool 1970 ed. p/b with film cover, fair, 142pp, BID GBP 2?
19. Ward-Perkins, J. Roman Imperial Architecture (Pelican History of Art), Penguin 1981 p/b, 532pp 316 b/w figs, good, BID GBP 4?
20. Xenophon: The Persian Expedition, Penguin 1972 p/b, BID GBP 2?
21. Adams, B. & Jaeschke, R. The Koptos Lions, Milwaukee Public Museum Contributions in Anthropology and History No. 3, January 1984, 32pp p/b booklet, 20 figs (includes a corpus of Predynastic lions in the round), spine faded, BID GBP 10?
22. Adams, B. Ancient Hierakonpolis Supplement, A&P 1974 p/b, 168pp (F.W. Green's mss and notes), BID GBP 10?
23. Adams, B. Ancient Hierakonpolis, A&P 1973 h/b, d/j, foxed top edge, 86pp + 48pls and plans, good, BID GBP 15?
24. Adams, B. Egyptian Objects in the Victoria and Albert Museum, A&P 1977 p/b, 50pp + 15 pls, good, BID GBP 8?
25. Aegyptische Museum Berlin, 1967 catalogue p/b, 1167 entries, many b/w ills, BID GBP 3?
26. Aldred, C. Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Thames & Hudson 1973 h/b with d/j, 240ppinc. 358 ills, 8 colour, vgc, BID GBP 8?
27. Aldred, C. Akhenaten, King of Egypt, Thames & Hudson 1988 h/b with d/j as new, 320pp, BID GBP 8?
28. Aldred, C. Egypt to the End of the old Kingdom, Thames & Hudson 1965, 142pp, 136 ills, BID GBP 5?
29. Allen, J.P. Middle Egyptian, An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, CUP 2000 p/b, as new, BID GBP 10?
30. Amarna Letters: Essays on Ancient Egypt c.1390-1310BC, Volume 1, KMT Publications 1991 p/b, 94pp, good, BID GBP 10?
31. Amarna Letters: Essays on Ancient Egypt c.1390-1310BC, Volume 2, KMT Publications 1992 p/b, 94pp, good, BID GBP 10?
32. Amarna Letters 3, Essays on Ancient Egypt c.1390-1310, KMT Publications 1994, 152pp, b/w ills., BID GBP 10?
33. Amarna Letters 4, Essays on Ancient Egypt c.1390-1310, KMT Publications 2000, 168pp, numerous colour and b/w ills, BID GBP 10?
34. Arnold, D. Royal Women of Amarna: Images of Beauty from Ancient Egypt, MMA New York 1997 h/b with d/j, 192pp, 124 ills, 68 in colour, vgc, BID GBP 10?
35. Badawy, A. A History of Egyptian Architecture: the Empire or the New Kingdom from the 18th Dynasty to the end of the 20th Dynasty, 1580-1085BC, U. Cal. 1968 h/b with d/j, 548pp with 2610 b/w figs. and drawings, good, BID GBP 8?
36. Bailey, D.M., Davies, W.V., Spencer A.J. British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt: Ashmunein (1980), BMOP 37 1982 p/b, 20pp + 35 pls, vgc, BID GBP 10?
37. Bakir, A. El-M. Slavery in Pharaonic Egypt, Cahier No. 18, Supp. Annales du Services des Antiq. de l'Egypte, Cairo 1978 reprint of 1952 original, 128pp + 19pls, BID GBP 8?
38. Bierbrier, M.L. The Late New Kingdom in Egypt (c.1300-664BC): A Genealogical and Chronological Investigation, A&P h/b blue cloth & gilt, 160pp, foxed top edge, otherwise clean, BID GBP 20?
39. Bille-de Mot, E. The Age of Akhenaten (transl. J. Lindsay) London 1966 h/b d/j 200pp 24 col.pls. 96 b/w pls & Figs, damp to cover, good inside, BID GBP 5?
40. British Museum - A Guide to the Egyptian Collections in the British Museum, with 53 plates and 180 illustrations in the text, hard cover, spine taped, fair, BID GBP 2?
41. British Museum - A Guide to the Egyptian Galleries (Sculpture), with 39 plates and 46 illustrations in the text, 1909 hard cover, 352pp, boards repaired, spine missing, fair, BID GBP 2?
42. British Museum - A Guide to the First, Second and Third Egyptian Rooms, 3rd ed. 1924, 3 colour and 32 b/w pls, 170pp, good, BID GBP 4?
43. British Museum - A Guide to the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Egyptian Room and Coptic Room, with 7 plates and 157 illustrations in the text, 1922 hard cover, 376pp, some foxing but good, BID GBP 4?
44. British Museum - Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections, 1964 p/b, film cover, 268pp, red ink annotations, fair, BID GBP 1?
45. Brunner-Traut, E. Die Altagyptische Grabkammer Seschemnofers III. Von Zabern 1977 p/b, 34pp + 30pls, vgc, BID GBP 8?
46. Budge, E.A.W. Some Account of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the Possession of Lady Meux, of Theobald's Park, Waltham Cross. London: Harrison & Sons, 1896 2nd ed. (limited to 500 copies) with 34 pls. quatro, x + 119 pp., fold-out frontis, extensive in-text hieroglyphs. Gilt cloth, leather spine and corners. Some wear to corners, binding tight, overall very good. Rare. BID GBP 50?
47. Budge, E.A.W. The Greenfield Papyrus in the British Museum. The Funerary Papyrus of Princess Nesitanebtashru, Daughter of Painetchem II and Nesi-Khonsu, and Priestess of Amen-Ra at Thebes, about B.C.970. Reproduced in Collotype Facsimile, with Introduction and Description. London: Harrison & Sons 1912, first edition, cloth quarto, 116 collotype pls, small ink signature 'HM Stewart' on endpaper, cloth and gilt, upper corners bumped, but very good, BID GBP 50?
48. Bulletin of the Egyptian Exploration Society, Vols 1-34, sold as set, BID GBP 50?
49. Caiger, N. Amarna Royals, or Who was Nefertiti?, London n.d. 152pp, dedicated by the author, BID GBP 4?
50. Cambridge Ancient History supplements, rev. eds. of Vols I&II, sold as set. Baumgartel, E.J. Predynastic Egypt, 1965 40pp; Edwards, I.E.S. The Early Dynastic Period in Egypt, 1964 74pp; Stevenson Smith, W. The Old Kingdom in Egypt, 1965, 72pp; Hayes, W.C. The Middle Kingdom in Egypt, 1964, 96pp (pencil underlining); Hayes, W.C. Egypt from the Death of Ammenemes III to Seqenenre II, 1965, 44pp, (underlined); James, T.G.H. Egypt from the Expulsion of the Hyksos to Amenophis I, 1965 30pp (underlining); Hayes, W.C. Egypt: Internal Affairs from Tuthmosis I to the Death of Amenophis III, Part I, 1966, 54pp; Part II, 1962 72pp; Aldred, C. Egypt: The Amarna period and the End of the 18th Dynasty, 1971 60pp; Faulkner, R.O. Egypt: From the Inception of the 19th Dynasty to the death of Ramesses III, 1966 42pp; Cerny, J. Egypt: From the Death of Ramesses III to the end of the 21st Dynasty, 1965, 60pp, BID GBP 10?
51. Caminos, R.A. & James, T.G.H. Gebel Es-Silsila I: Archaeological Survey of Egypt 31st Memoir, EES 1963 quarto, 105pp + 75pls, vgc. BID GBP 20?
52. Caminos, R.A. A Tale of Woe, From a Hieratic Papyrus in the A S Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow Oxford GI 1977 folio h/b with d/j, 99pp + 13pls, vgc, BID GBP 20?
53. Carter, H. The Tomb of Tutankhamun, Sphere, London, 1972 ed. 17 colour 65 b/w pls, 234pp, poor, BID GBP 1?
54. Cerny, J & Groll S.I. A Late Egyptian Grammar, Studia Pohl 4, Rome 1975 p/b, 592pp, pencil annotations, fair, BID GBP 10?
55. Cerny, J. Tutankhamun's Tomb Series II: Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, GI 1965 h/b, 30pp + 12 b/w pls, good, BID GBP 5?
56. Chubb, M. Nefertiti Lived Here, Libri 1998 reprint, p/b, vgc, BID GBP 5?
57. Cooney, J.D. Amarna Reliefs from Hermopolis in American Collections, Brooklyn 1965 cloth h/b, 110pp, 64pls and entries, VGC, BID GBP 15?
58. Davies, N de G. The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, part I: The Tomb of Meryra, (Archaeological Survey of Egypt, Thirteenth Memoir), EEF / Quaritch 1903, 56pp + 42pls, good, BID GBP 40?
59. Davies, N de G. The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, part II: The Tombs of Panhesy and Meryra II, (Archaeological Survey of Egypt, Fourteenth Memoir), EEF / Quaritch 1905, 48pp + 47pls, good, BID GBP 40?
60. Davies, N de G. The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, part III: The Tombs of Huya and Ahmes, (Archaeological Survey of Egypt, Fifteenth Memoir), Oxford 1973 reprint of EEF / Quaritch 1905, 56pp + 42pls, vgc, BID GBP 40?
61. Davies, N de G. The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, part IV: The Tombs of Penthu, Mahu and Others, (Archaeological Survey of Egypt, Sixteenth Memoir), EEF / Quaritch 1906, 45pls, Boards and spine dented and foxed, inside damp rippling to text pages but pls good, BID GBP 30?
62. Davies, N. de G. The Rock Tombs of El Amarna: Part V, Smaller Tombs and Boundary Stelae. EES 1973 reprint of 1908 original, Royal Quarto, cloth bound boards, 38pp + 44 pls, vgc. BID GBP 40?
63. Davies, N. de G. The Rock Tombs of El Amarna: Part VI, the Tombs of Parennefer, Tutu and Ay. EES 18th Memoir, 1975 reprint of 1908 original, Royal Quarto, cloth bound boards, 44pp + 44 pls, vgc. BID GBP 40?
64. Davies, W.V. The Statuette of Queen Tetisheri: a Reconsideration. BMOP 1984 p/b, 13pp+23pls, vgc. BID GBP 8?
65. Davies, W.V., El-Khouli, A. , Lloyd, A.B. & Spencer, A.J. Saqqara Tombs I: The Mastabas of Merer and Wernu, EES 1984 h/b, d/j, 37pp + 40pls, vgc. BID GBP 15?
66. Dawson, W.R. Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum I: Mummies and Human Remains, British Museum 1968, 44pp + 37pls, good, BID GBP 20?
67. Desroches-Noblecourt, C. Tutankhamun, Life and Death of a Pharaoh, London 1964, 3rd impression, h/b, d/j, film cover, 75 colour ills, good, BID GBP 5?
68. Downes, D. The Excavations at Esna 1905-1906, A&P 1974 h/b with d/j, 115pp inc 103 figs + inventory, index of names and title, foxing to top edges otherwise vgc, BID GBP 10?
69. Dunham, D. & Kelly Simpson, W. The Mastaba of Queen Merysankh III, G7530-7540. Giza Mastabas Volume I, MFA Boston 1974 quarto with d/j, 26pp+34pls 16 figs, vgc, BID GBP 20?
70. Edwards, A.B. A Thousand Miles up the Nile, London, 1982 p/b reprint of the 1888 2nd edition. p/b in film cover, good, BID GBP 4?
71. Edwards, I.E.S. The Treasures of Tutankhamun, BM exhib. catl, 1972, p/b, good, 50 entries with b/w ills, 16 colour pls, BID GBP 5?
72. Egyptian Museum Cairo: a Brief Description of the Principal Monuments, 1937, h/b 141pp of entries + objects from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, fair, BID GBP 5?
73. El Kab, guidebook. Cairo n.d. English and Arabic description. Colour pls, BID GBP 1
74. El-Fikey, S.A. The Tomb of the Vizier Re-Wer at Saqqara, A&P 1980 p/b, 54pp + 23 b/w pls, good, BID GBP 10?
75. Emery, W.B. Archaic Egypt, Pelican 1963 p/b, good, BID GBP 1?
76. Emery, W.B. Excavations at Saqqara. Great Tombs of the First Dynasty, II, EES 1954 (3504 Djet; 3503 Merneith), 171pp, 66pls some fold out, good, BID GBP 40?
77. Emery, W.B. Excavations at Saqqara. Great Tombs of the First Dynasty, III, EES 1958 (3505 Ka'a; 3507 Herneith), 109pp, 123pls some fold out, good, BID GBP 40?
78. Erman, A. Neuaegyptische Grammatik, zweite vollig umgestaltete Auflage. Leipzig 1933 cloth h/b, 461pp, boards grubby, inside clean, BID GBP 10?
79. Fakhry, A. The Egyptian Deserts: the Necropolis of El-Bagawat in Kharga Oasis, Service des Antiquities de L'Egypte, Cairo 1951 202pp. 48pls, 263 entries, 125 figs, many fold out figs and plans, boards foxed, spine and corners dented but sound, inside clean, BID GBP 20?
80. Fakhry, A. The Oases of Egypt, Volume I: Siwa Oasis, AUCP 1973 h/b with d/j, 214pp, 81 b/w figs, fair, BID GBP 10?
81. Fakhry, A. The Oases of Egypt, Volume II: Bahriyah and Farafra Oasis, AUCP 1974 h/b with d/j, 190pp, 85 b/w figs, fair, BID GBP 10?
82. Faulkner, R.O. Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Supplement of Hieroglyphic Texts, OUP 1969, 88 pls of h/g texts, h/b d/j top edge foxed inside clean, BID GBP 10?
83. Faulkner, R.O. Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian, Oxford 1962 h/b, spine broken, boards loose, inside good, BID GBP 2?
84. Faulkner, R.O. The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts Volume I: Spells 1-354; A&P 1973 h/b d/j, 285pp, good; Volume II: Spells 355-787, A&P 1977, 308pp, good; Volume III: Spells 788-1185 & Index, 204pp, good. 3 volumes BID GBP 25?
85. Fischer, H.G. Egyptian Studies I: Varia, MMA New York 1976, f/b with d/j, 126pp, cover faded but vgc, BID GBP 15?
86. Fischer, H.G. Egyptian Studies II: The Orientation of Hieroglyphs, Part I. Reversals. MMA New York 1977 h/b with d/j, 147pp + 126pls, board corners dented, faded, but good inside, BID GBP 15?
87. Fougerousse, J-L. Etudes sur les Constructions de Tanis, offprint Kemi V 1935: 19-63, BID GBP 1?
88. Frankfort, H. & Pendlebury, J.D.S. The city of Akhenaten. II: The North Suburb and the Desert Altars. The Excavations at Tell El-Amarna during the Seasons 1926-1932, London, Egypt Exploration Society 40th memoir, 1972 reprint of 1933 original. Quarto. 122pp + 58pls, some useful pencil annotations, otherwise excellent, BID GBP 40?
89. Frankfort, H., De Buck, A., Gunn, B. The Cenotaph of Seti I at Abydos, Volume I, Text (96pp), vgc, Volume II Plates (93pls) , foxed edges, boards clean, inside clean, EES 1933 39th Memoir, reprint, BID GBP 25?
90. Freed, R. et al. Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Thames & Hudson 1999, h/b with d/j, 316pp, 452 ills 431 in colour, vgc, BID GBP 10?
91. Gaballa, G.A. The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose, A&P 1977 h/b with d/j, 40pp + 63 pls, vgc, BID GBP 10?
92. Gardiner, A.H. & Peet, T.E. The Inscriptions of Sinai, Part I: Introduction and Plates, EES 1952 folio, 2nd ed. Revised and augmented by J. Cerny, h/b, 22pp + 96 b/w pls some double pages, maps and plans, good, rare BID GBP 50?
93. Gardiner, A.H. & Weigall, A.E.P. A Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes, London Quaritch 1913 h/b, 45pp + 15 pls, vgc, BID GBP 20?
94. Gardiner, A.H. Ancient Egyptian Onomastica, Volume I: Text. OUP 1968 reprint of 1947 original xxiii, 70pp. + 215pp. of autographed text, 5 illustrations, map, d/j scuffed. vgc, BID GBP 30?
95. Gardiner, A.H. Ancient Egyptian Onomastica, Volume II: Text. iv,324pp. 3 illustrations, 5 maps, index, d/j. OUP 1968 reprint of 1947 original, d/j scuffed and split but good inside, BID GBP 30?
96. Gardiner, A.H. Ancient Egyptian Onomastica, Volume III, Plates, OUP 1968 folio h/b and d/j, 27pls and transcriptions, vgc, BID GBP 30?
97. Gardiner, A.H. The Library of Chester Beatty: Description of a Hieratic Papyrus with a Mythological Story, love-songs, and other miscellaneous texts, Chester Beatty Papyri, No. 1. with thirty-one plates in monochrome and thirty in line by Emery Walker Ltd. OUP 1931, fine folio, frontispiece, 45pp + 60 double plates photos of text and transcriptions, cream buckram with gilt spine, paper wrapper, hand cut pages, edges frayed, some foxing to top edge but inside immaculate. BID GBP 75?
98. Gardiner, A.H. The Ramesseum Papyri, Plates, Oxford Griffith Institute 1955 folio, 18pp+64pls, many with transcriptions, faded spine otherwise vgc, BID GBP 40?
99. Glanville, S.R.K. (rev. and completed by R.O. Faulkner) Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum II: Wooden Model Boats, British Museum 1972 folio, h/b, d/j, 75pp + 12pls, good, BID GBP 30?
100. Gohary, J. Akhenaten's Sed-Festival at Karnak, KPI 1992 h/b d/j 238pp + 110pls of talatat, (tabulated comments from PG) BID GBP 15?
101. Grinsell, L.V. Guide Catalogue to the Collection from Ancient Egypt in City Museums Bristol, 1972, 86pp, 37figs, BID GBP 1?
102. Groll, S.I. The Negative Verbal System of Late Egyptian, Oxford 1970 h/b 260pp, vgc, BID GBP 10?
103. Guide to the Egyptian Museum Cairo, c.1964 p/b, 210pp, fair, BID GBP 1?
104. Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental Art and Architecture, University of Durham, booklet, 19pp, BID GBP 1
105. Habachi, L. The Obelisks of Egypt: Skyscrapers of the Past, Dent London 1978 h/b with d/j, 198pp, 50pls, foxed edges, good, BID GBP 5?
106. Haeny, G. Beitrage zur Aegyptischen Bauforschung dun Altertumskunde, Hefte 11, Untersuchungen im Totentempel Amenophis III, Wiesbaden 1981, 122pp + 42pls, vgc, BID GBP 15?
107. Harris, J.R. Legacy of Egypt, 2nd ed. Oxford 1971, h/b in d/j, vgc, BID GBP 4?
108. Hassan, S. & Farid, S. Excavations at Giza, Season 1936, 1937, 1938, Volume IX: The Mastabas of the Eighth Season and their description, Cairo 1960 p/b 106pp, 41 figs, 50 b/w pls, large map of Giza excavations in slip cover at back, 6 loose plans of tombs, soft paper covers torn and grubby, inside sound, rare, BID GBP 10?
109. Hayes, W.C. Ostraka and Name Stones from the Tomb of Sen-Mut (No. 71) at Thebes. MMA Egyptian Expedition. Arno Press, New York, 1973. Hardcover. Quarto; viii, 57 pages and 33 plates Facsimile reprint of 1942 edition; photographs by Harry Burton. vgc. BID GBP 20?
110. Hayes, W.C. Scepter of Egypt: A Background Study of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art from the Earliest Times to the End of the Middle Kingdom, MMA 1978 4th printing, p/b, 352pp and indexes, good, BID GBP 15?
111. Hayes, W.C. Scepter of Egypt: A Background Study of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art from the Hyksos Period and the new Kingdom, MMA 1968 ed. h/b with d/j, scuffed but clean inside, 496pp, good, BID GBP 15?
112. Hickmann, H. La Trompette dans l'Egypte Ancienne, Cahier No. 1, Supp. Annales du Services des Antiq. de l'Egypte, Cairo 1978 re-issue of 1946 original, 75pp booklet, BID GBP 5?
113. Hodges, H. Technology in the Ancient World, Penguin 1971 p/b, 260pp, 265 b/w figs, good, BID GBP 10?
114. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Volume 1, 1914 - Volume 86, 2000. Sold as set. Offers. (early volumes mostly EES reprints from the late 60s and 70s) (buyer to collect), BID?
115. Kelly Simpson, W. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery: Part I, (Sekhemka G1029; Tjetu I G2001; Iasen G2196, Penmeru G2197; Hagy, Nefertjentet and Herunefer G2352/53; Djaty, Tjetu II, and Nimesti G2337x, 2343, 2366), Giza Mastabas Volume 4, MFA Boston 1980 folio, 37pp + 61 pls some fold out, 52 figs, BID GBP 25?
116. Kelly Simpson, W. Publications of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt, Number 1: Heka-Nefer and the Dynastic Material from Toshka and Arminna, Phil. & New York 1963 h/b, d/j, 56pp, 26 b/w pls, 42 figs, VGC, BID GBP 25?
117. Kelly Simpson, W. The Mastabas of Kawab, Khafkhufu I & II, G7110-20, 7130-40, and 7150 and subsidiaries of Street G7100. Giza Mastabas Volume 3, MFA Boston 1978, 34pp + 47 pls, 72 figs, vgc BID GBP 25?
118. Kelly Simpson, W. The Mastabas of Qar and Idu, G7101 and 7102, Giza Mastabas Volume 2, MFA Boston 1976 quarto with d/j, 31pp + 34pls, 43 figs, vgc. BID GBP 25?
119. Kelly Simpson, W. The Offering Chapel of Sekhem-ankh-Ptah in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, 1976 p/b. 19pp + 16 b/w pls + 4 fold out pls, good, BID GBP 8?
120. Kemp, B.J. & Garfi, S. A Survey of the Ancient City of El-Amarna, 1993. Egypt Exploration Society Occasional Publications, Number 9. Quarto. 112pp. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher's full ochre cloth, black lettering. Maps: a set of 9 very large, folding single-sheet coloured maps, comprising of 8 Sectional Sheets and one General Map in the original ochre cloth slipcase. Immaculate. BID GBP 40?
121. Kemp, B.J. Amarna Reports II, EES 1985 p/b, 204pp, vgc, BID GBP 10?
122. Kemp, B.J. Amarna Reports III, EES 1986 p/b, 204pp, vgc, BID GBP 10?
123. Kemp, B.J. Amarna Reports IV, EES 1987p/b, 204pp, vgc, BID GBP 10?
124. Kemp, B.J. Amarna Reports VI, EES 1995 p/b, 204pp, vgc, BID GBP 10?
125. Killen, G. Ancient Egyptian Furniture, Volume I: 4000-1300BC, A&P 1980 cloth h/b, film cover, vgc. BID GBP 10?
126. Kitchen, K.A. Ramesside Inscriptions Historical and Bibliographical, Fascicle I: 1-8; II: 1-24; III: 1-28; IV: 1-15: V: 1-19; VI: 1-29; VII: 1-16; VIII: 1-10, Oxford. Sold as set of 150 fascicles, BID GBP 100?
127. KMT A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, Volume 1 - Volume 20 (3), including index volume, sold as set of 79 issues, BID GBP 100?
128. Lauer. J-P. Saqqara: The Royal Cemetery of Memphis. Excavations and Discoveries since 1850, Thames & Hudson 1976 h/b with d/j, 248pp,175 ills., vgc, BID GBP 25?
129. Lauffray, J. Karnak d'Egypte: Domaine du Divin, Edn CNRS 1979 p/b, 242pp, 192 pls & figs, folded colour plates of the Akhenaten talatat in Luxor Museum, vgc, BID GBP 20?
130. Leahy, M.A. Excavations at Malkata and the Birket Habu: the Inscriptions 1971-1974, A&P 1978, foxed endpapers and edges, good inside, BID GBP 8?
131. Lehner, M. The Complete Pyramids, Thames & Hudson 1995 h/b with d/j, 556 ills, 83 in colour, vgc, BID GBP 8?
132. Mahmud, A. El-S. A New Temple for Hathor at Memphis, A&P 1978 p/b, 21pp + 19pls, 18 figs, foxed edges, good inside, BID GBP 8?
133. Martin, G.T. Egyptian Administrative and Private-Name Seals Principally of the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period, GI 1971 h/b, 203pp + 57 b/w pls, vgc, BID GBP 15?
134. Martin, G.T. The Royal Tomb at El-Amarna I: the Objects, (Rock Tombs of El-Amarna Part VII) EES 1974 cloth h/b, 483 object illustrations b/w, 6 pls, 124pp, pencil annotations, spine faded but vgc, BID GBP 25?
135. Martin, G.T. The Royal Tomb at El-Amarna II: the Reliefs, Inscriptions and Architecture (with plans and sections by M Lehner), (Rock Tombs of El-Amarna series) EES 1989 h/b, d/j, 70pp, 91pls, 506 b/w illustrations, d/j faded but inside vgc, BID GBP 20?
136. Martin, G.T. The Tomb of Hetepka and other Reliefs and Inscriptions from the Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara 1964-1973, EES 1979 h/b with d/j, 142pp, 86 b/w pls, vgc, BID GBP 10
137. Megally, M. Considerations sur les variations et la transformation des Formes Hieratiques du Papyrus E3226 du Louvre, IFAO 1971 p/b, 64pp + 52 pls, spine detached, top edge foxed, fair, BID GBP 8?
138. Mercer, S.A.B. Literary Criticism of the Pyramid Texts, (assesses the literary value of the Pyramid texts and discusses what they reveal about Egyptian ritual practices and religious concepts ) London Luzac 1956 h/b, 122pp, foxed endpapers, clean boards, clean inside, BID GBP 5?
139. Michalowski, K. Karnak, London 1970 h/b with d/j, film cover, 30pp + 89 b/w pls, good, BID GBP 8?
140. Montet, P. La Necropole Royale de Tanis. Tome premiere, Les Constructions et le tombeau de Osorkon II a Tanis. Paris 1947, folio with green boards, 101pp, 61 pls 28 figs, pencil annotations (PG) (earlier ink annotations neatly tippexed out, good copy, BID GBP 25?
141. Montet, P. La Necropole Royale de Tanis. Tome second, Les Constructions et le tombeau de Psousennes a Tanis. Paris 1951, folio197pp, 139 pls and plans, pencil annotations (PG) (earlier ink annotations neatly tippexed out, good copy, BID GBP 25?
142. Montet, P. Les Constructions et le Tombeau de Chechonq III a Tanis. Fouilles de Tanis. Paris 1960. 10499 + 61pls, vgc. BID GBP 25?
143. Morenz, S. Egyptian Religion, Methuen 1973 ed. h/b, d/j, foxed edges, good inside, 380pp, BID GBP 4?
144. National Geographic Magazine October 2002, 'Death on the Nile', special on Saqqara. BID GBP 2?
145. Naville, E. Bubastis, EEF Eighth Memoir 1889-90, London Trubner, 1891, 72pp + 54pls, edges grubby, inside clean, BID GBP 20?
146. Naville, E. The Festival Hall of Osorkon II in the Great Temple of Bubastis (1887-1889). EEF Tenth memoir, London Trubner 1982, pencil annotations, edges grubby but boards and inside clean, good, BID GBP 30?
147. Naville, E. The Shrine of Saft el Henneh and the land of Goshen (1885), EEF Fifth Memoir, London Quaritch 1888, 26pp + 11 plates, some folding, some foxing, corners dented, good, BID GBP 15?
148. Naville, E. The XIth Dynasty Temple of Deir el Bahari, Part III. Plates LVI-LXXXVI: End of the Northern Half and Southern Half of the Middle Platform, EEF / Quaritch London 1898 folio, 22pp + pls, boards and endpapers foxed, spine edges dented, inside sound, rare, BID GBP 40?
149. Naville, E. The XIth Dynasty Temple of Deir el Bahari, Part V, Plates CXIX-CCL: The Upper Court and Sanctuary, EEF / Quaritch London 1906, 12pp + pls, spine foxed frayed at edges, otherwise good, rare, BID GBP 40?
150. Naville, E. The XIth Dynasty Temple of Deir el Bahari, Part VI, with architectural description by Somers Clarke. Plates CLI-CLXXIV: the Lower Terrace, Additions and Plans, 29th Memoir, EEF / Quaritch London 1908, 90pp folio with twenty-four double-page plates of architectural detail. rear boards, endpapers and last plan damp stained, front board faded, spine frayed at edges, otherwise good, rare, BID GBP 40?
151. Neugebauer, O. & Parker, A. Egyptian Astronomical Texts II: The Ramesside Star Clocks, Rhode Island and London 1964, 78pp + 67pls, vgc, BID GBP 20?
152. Nims, F. & Swaan, W. Thebes of the Pharaohs: Pattern for Every City, London 1965 h/b, d/j and film cover, 208pp + 100 ills, excellent, BID GBP 10?
153. Ockinga, B.G. A Tomb from the Reign of Tutankhamun at Akhmim, ACE Reports 10, A&P 1977 p/b, 66pp + 74pls, vgc, BID GBP 10?
154. Omm Sety & H. El Zeini, Abydos: Holy City of Ancient Egypt, California 1981 h/b, 282pp, numerous ills., scuffed but good, rare BID GBP 10?
155. Page, A. Egyptian Sculpture: Archaic to Saite: from the Petrie Collection, A&P 1976 h/b with d/j, film cover, 175 entries with b/w ills, 124pp, vgc BID GBP 10?
156. Peet, T.E., Woolley, C.L., Battiscombe Gunn & P.L.O Guy. The
City of Akhenaten Part I: Excavations of 1921 and 1922 at El-'Amarneh, 38th Memoir of The Egypt Exploration Society. London 1923. Royal Quarto 176 pp., 64 pls. Pencil annotations, good condition. Rare BID GBP 75?
157. Pendlebury, J.D., Tell El-Armana (sic) London 1935 h/b, good, BID GBP 10
158. Pendlebury, J.D.S. The City of Akhenaten, Part III: the Central City and the Official Quarters. The Excavations at Tell El-Amarna during the Seasons 1926-1927 and 1931-1936, London, Egypt Exploration Society, 1951. Two volumes. Quarto. Pp. xviii, 261, with 28 text figures; xii, plus 112 plates, some folding. Hardcover, cloth-backed boards. Useful pencil annotation of museum locations of objects. BID GBP 80?
159. Petrie, H.F. & Murray, M.A. Seven Memphite Tomb Chapels, BSAE Volume LXV, London Quaritch 1952, 28pp + 28pls, endpapers foxed, spine faded, boards sound, BID GBP 15?
160. Petrie, W.M.F. & Mace, A.C. Diaspolis Parva: the Cemetery of Abadiyeh and Hu 1898-9, EEF 1901, reprinted 1972, 62pp + 48pls, foxed top, but vgc, BID GBP 25?
161. Petrie, W.M.F. Abydos, Part I 1902, EEF 22nd Memoir 1902, photographic reprint 1978, 60pp + 80pls, top edge foxed, otherwise vgc, BID GBP 25?
162. Petrie, W.M.F. Deshasheh 1897, EEF Fifteenth Memoir, London Quaritch 1898, 52pp + 37pls, endpapers and top edges fixed, inside clean, BID GBP 20?
163. Petrie, W.M.F. The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty, 1900 (Part I), 18th Memoir, 1975 reprint, 51pp + 67pls, foxed edges but vgc; Part II 1901, 21st Memoir, 1975 reprint, 56pp + 63 pls, vgc, BID 2 vols GBP 60?
164. MEMPHIS I - Petrie, W.M.F. Memphis I, ERA 14th Year 1908, BSAE 1909, quarto 26pp + 54pls, ex libris plate, foxed, spine faded, boards grubby, BID GBP 20?
165. MEMPHIS II - Petrie, W.M.F. The Palace of Apries (Memphis II), ERA Fifteenth Year 1909, BSAE 1909, London Quaritch, 26pp + 34pls, endpapers foxed, spine faded, boards grubby, BID GBP 20?
166. MEMPHIS III - Petrie, W.M.F., Mackay, E. & Wainwright, G. Meydum and Memphis (III), ERA Sixteenth Year 1910, BSAE London Quaritch 1910, 48pp + 47pls, foxed endpapers, spine faded, boards grubby, BID GBP 20?
167. MEMPHIS V- Petrie, W.M.F. Wainwright, G. & Gardiner, A.H. Tarkhan I and Memphis V, ERA Eighteenth Year, BSAE London Quaritch 1913, 40pp + 81pls, foxed, spine faded, grubby, BID GBP 20?
168. MEMPHIS VI - Engelbach, R. Riqqeh and Memphis VI, ERA Nineteenth Year 1913, London Quaritch 1915, 38pp + 61 pls, library plate, spine faded, ends grubby but plates clean, BID GBP 20?
169. Piankoff, A. (completed by H. Jacquet-Gordon), The Wandering of the Soul. Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations Volume 6, Bollingen Series XL: 6, Princeton 1974 h/b with d/j, top edge slightly foxed but otherwise vgc, 124pp, 48pls, BID GBP 20?
170. Piankoff, A. Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations, Volume 3: Mythological Papyri. Texts. Translated with Introductions by Alexandre Piankoff. Edited, with a chapter on the symbolism of the papyri, by N. Rambova. Part I: Texts; Part II: Plates. 2 volumes boxed, Bollingen Series XL, Pantheon Books. Slipcase grubby, books immaculate. BID GBP 40?
171. Piankoff, A. Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations, Volume 1: The Tomb of Ramesses VI. Texts. Translated with Introductions by Alexandre Piankoff. Edited by N. Rambova. Part I: Texts; Part II: Plates. 2 volumes boxed, Bollingen Series XL, Pantheon Books. Slipcase grubby, books immaculate. BID GBP 50?
172. Piankoff, A. The Litany of Re: Text and Translation with commentary, Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations Volume 4, Bollingen Series XL: 4, Part I, 63pp, 21pls, Part II 182pp, (papyri of User-hatmes, Nany, Paser, Tsay-Nefer) Pantheon 1964 h/b with d/j, top edge slightly foxed but otherwise vgc, BID GBP 20?
173. Piankoff, A. The Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon. Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations, Volume 2, Bollingen Series XL, Volume 2 Pantheon 1955 quarto h/b 149pp + 64pls, 50 figs, slipcase faded, book vgc. BID GBP 30?
Porter, B. and Moss R.B. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egypt, Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings, Oxford GI, 2nd eds revised by J. Malek, generally good, pencil annotations, repairs to dustjackets,
174. I. The Theban Necropolis, Part I: Private Tombs, 2nd ed., 1970 (d/j much repaired); BID GBP 10?
175. I. The Theban Necropolis II: Royal Tombs and Smaller Cemeteries, 2nd ed. Revised and enlarged, 1964; BID GBP 10?
176. II. Theban Temples, 2nd rev. & augmented, 1972; BID GBP 10?
177. III. Memphis, Part I: Abu Rawash to Abusir, 2nd ed. Rev. augm., 1974; BID GBP 10?
178. III/2. Memphis Part 2. Saqqara to Dahshur, Fascicle 1 (III2.393-574), 2nd ed. rev. augm. 1978 p/b; BID GBP 10?
179. Fascicle 2 (III.2. 575-776) 1978 p/b; BID GBP 10?
180. Fascicle 3 (III.2.777-1014) 1978 p/b. BID GBP 10?
181. IV. Lower Egypt and Middle Egypt, 1986 rev.ed. BID GBP 10?
182. V. Upper Egypt: Sites, 1962; BID GBP 10?
183. VI. Upper Egypt: Chief Temples, 1970, BID GBP 10?
184. VII. Nubia, Deserts and outside Egypt, 1962. BID GBP 10?
185. Posener-Krieger, P. & de Cenival, J.L. Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum, Fifth Series: The Abu Sir Papyri, BM 1968 folio h/b, cloth cover, 104 pls and transcriptions, 17 pls of palaeography, 52pp introduction and description of pls, spine faded but vgc, BID GBP 25?
186. Redford, D. Akhenaten, the Heretic King, Princeton 1984 h/b d/j 256pp, 19 figs 48pls, (contains personal note from J Samson to PG), vgc, BID GBP 8?
187. Redford, D.B. Akhenaten Temple Project, Volume I, Initial Discoveries, A&P 1976 h/b with d/j, 181pp+95pls, VGC, BID GBP 15?
188. Reeves, N. & Wilkinson, R.H. The Complete Valley of the Kings: Tombs and Temples of Egypt's Greatest Pharaohs, Thames & Hudson 1996 h/b d/j, as new, 224 pp, as new, BID GBP 8?
189. Reeves, N. The Complete Tutankhamun. The King, The Tomb, the Royal Treasures. Thames & Hudson 1995 p/b, 224pp, numerous ills, vgc, BID GBP 8?
190. Reymond, E.A.E. The Mythological Origin of the Egyptian Temple, Cambridge 1969 h/b, d/j, 355pp, foxed edges, fair, BID GBP 4?
191. Ricke, H. Beitrage zur Aegyptischen Bauforschung und Altertumskunde, Hefte 7, Enthaelt: Das Sonnenheiligtum des Konigs Userkaf, Band I, Cairo 1965, 54pp + 33pls and plans, cover frayed, inside sound, BID GBP 15?
192. Ricke, H. Beitrage zur Aegyptischen Bauforschung und Altertumskunde, Hefte 8, Enthaelt: Das Sonnenheiligtum des Konigs Userkaf, Band II, Wiesbaden 1969, 148pp + 8pls,good, BID GBP 15?
193. Riefstahl, E. Ancient Egyptian Glass and Glazes in the Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn 1968, Quarto, cloth h/b, 114pp and concordance, 93 catalogue entries with ills in b/w and colour, vgc, BID GBP 5?
194. Rowe, A. with Drioton, E. Discovery of the Famous Temple and Enclosure of Serapis at Alexandria / An Explanation of the Enigmatic Inscriptions on the Serapeum Plaques of Ptolemy IV, Cairo 1946 p/b, cover torn and faded, inside fair, 116pp + 18pls, BID GBP 10
195. Ruffle, J. Gaballa, G.A. & Kitchen, K.A. (eds) Glimpses of Ancient Egypt: studies in Honour of H.W. Fairman, A&P 1979 cloth h/b, 202pp, vgc, BID GBP 10?
196. Samson, J. Amarna: City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Key Pieces from the Petrie Collection, A&P 1972, h/b with d/j, film cover, 110pp inc 55 pls, 104 figs, pencil annotations, vgc, BID GBP 30?
197. Samson, J. Nefertiti and Cleopatra: Queen-Monarchs of Egypt, Rubicon 1985 p/b, vgc, BID GBP 8?
198. Sauneron, S. Le Papyrus Magique Illustre de Brooklyn (B.M. 47.218.156), Brooklyn 1970 h/b, 30pp + 5 photog. pls and transcriptions (fold out), good, BID GBP 10?
199. Seele, K.C. The Tomb of Thanefer at Thebes, Chicago 1959 folio, 10pp + 41 pls, boards grubby but clean inside, BID GBP 20
200. Seton-Williams, V. El-Amarna, London n.d. 56pp booklet, good, BID GBP 3?
201. Shennum, D. English-Egyptian Index of Faulkner's Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian, Undena 1977 p/b, 78pp, good, BID GBP 10?
202. Spencer, A.J., Andrews, R.D. & Bailey, D.M. Excavations at El Ashmunein I, The Topography of the Site, Booklet and Map in card folder, BMP 1982(?), BID GBP 10?
203. Spencer, A.J., Bailey, D.M. British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt: Ashmunein (1984), BMOP No. 61 1985, 116pp inc 57 figs, 18 pls, BID GBP 10?
204. Stevenson Smith, W. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt. Pelican History of Art 1965, h/b with d/j in slip case, 300pp inc. 192pls, scuffed and well-used, fair, BID GBP 10?
205. Stewart, H.M. Egyptian Stelae, Reliefs and paintings from the Petrie Collection. Part One: New Kingdom, A&P 1976 h/b with d/j, 72pp+53pls, good, BID GBP 10?
206. Stewart, H.M. Egyptian Stelae, Reliefs and paintings from the Petrie Collection. Part Two: Archaic Period to the Second Intermediate Period, A&P 1979 h/b, 44pp+41pls, good, BID GBP 10?
207. Stewart, H.M. Egyptian Stelae, Reliefs and paintings from the Petrie Collection. Part Three: The Late Period, A&P 1983 h/b with d/j, 44pp + 48pls, vgc, BID GBP 10?
208. Stewart, H.M. Mummy Cases and Inscribed Funerary Cones in the Petrie Collection, A&P 1986 p/b, 83pp + 25pls, concordance and index, as new, BID GBP 10?
209. Studies Presented to F.Ll. Griffith, EES 1932 h/b d/j, 502pp, hand-cut papers, foxed edges but very good inside (contributions from a who's who of 1930s Egyptology), BID GBP 15?
210. Varille, A. Inscriptions Concernant l'Architecte Amenhotep fils de Hapou, Cairo IFAO 1968 p/b, 164pp, 14pls, Fair, BID GBP 20?
211. Verner, M. Forgotten Pharaohs, Lost Pyramids: Abusir. Prague 1994, h/b with d/j, 244pp numerous col. and b/w ills, vgc. BID GBP 10?
212. Walters, C.C. An Elementary Coptic Grammar, Oxford 1976 ed. h/b 86pp, good BID GBP 10?
213. Wendorff, D. Contributions to the Prehistory of Nubia, Dallas 1965 p/b, 164pp, good, BID GBP 4?
214. Zaki Nour, M. Iskander, Z. et al. The Cheops Boats, part I. Cairo 1960 Folio h/b. 72 pp + 67b/w pls dome folded. Outside boards damp stained but inside sound, very rare BID GBP 20?
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