Hi Andie,
I just returned from Egypt and loved it (I like your photo at Abu Simbel!!) I’ve been searching on the internet for this toy that EVERYBODY had in the 50’s or 60’s, at least in the US (I’m in California). They were all different colors, like a white tomb with a red bed and a blue or white mummy that could jump out, about 2 inches long. I would like 20-30 of them, but would be thrilled with just one or 2. (I want to get them for my family as nostalgia for Xmas). Do you have any idea of where to get them? thanks a lot
If anyone has any information about where these are available could they email me so that I can let Mary know? andie @ easynet.co.uk
Here's one:
Here's one:
here's one:
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