Sunday, November 21, 2010

Desert RATS 2nd Edition

Thanks very much to Mike Morrow for letting me know that the second edition of Desert RATS will be available for purchase soon. It consists of both a book and DVDs, which is great news. It is always good to see DVDs being used to supply a far larger number of images than can be incorporated affordably into a text.

If you are interested in Eastern Desert rock art you will need no introduction to this invaluable piece of work.

Should you want a copy of the new edition it might be best to contact them directly.

Don't forget that if you are interested in the Eastern Desert there are two other BAR (Archaeopress) books that might be of interest: BAR S2008 2009: Rock Art of the Eastern Desert of Egypt Content, comparisons, dating and significance by Tony Judd and BAR S1824 2008: Eastern Desert Ware: Traces of the Inhabitants of the Eastern Deserts in Egypt and Sudan During the 4th- 6th Centuries CE by Hans Barnard.

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