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I catch all of the documentaries I can on the major cable channels, so I might be willing to do some reviews. That is as long as it is ok at some time to note the point at which I wanted to throw a brick at the TV because someone said something extremely stupid. ;) For example, in in one I saw on National Geographic Channel last night on the pyramids, our friend Zahi Hawass says that he thinks that the burial chamber of Khufu might be in the passageways that were explored by those climbing robots beyond the second "door" seen after drilling a hole in the first one. Well, if Khufu is beyond that door, he must have been a Smurf, because I've seen those passageways and they are 6 inches square. Bad editing or just a stupid statement? I don't know, but the result was something ridiculous.
I hope you do write them for us. A review always benefits for being honest, smurfs and all :-). A balanced view, picking up on the good and the bad, is part of what makes a review useful.
I'll look out for the documentary on UK television.
I've got a number of these documentaries on my DVR so I can get some done shortly and also include proper credit (or blame!)
would you or who else would be interested if i wrote some pieces on my recent discoveries such as proof menes was not earlier than 2300bc, proof Zoser was ca 1837bc, that Joseph is now found as Sekhemhet, etc, Herodotus list partially decrypted?
(I posted on my site but i don't get any much interest/hits plus i don't write well for/by myself and write better with some purpose/structure/interaction.)
James, great - I look forward to reading them.
Sean, I realize that we have spoken before, by email. I've emailed a reply based on those conversations. Best. Andie.
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