Egyptological - Journal and Magazine editions

We are very pleased to announce that the latest edition of Egyptological is now out and is available at the above address, free of charge. There is an eclectic mix of articles in both the Journal and Magazine sections, spanning the prehistoric to Coptic periods via the 12th and 18th Dynasties, with articles, reviews, note and the latest Photo Album.
All our authors welcome discussion and feedback, so do feel free to comment on any of the pieces on Egyptological.
Older articles are also available on the site and can be found in our archives. If a particular subject is of interest our search facility will help you to find all relevant items.
All our authors welcome discussion and feedback, so do feel free to comment on any of the pieces on Egyptological.
Older articles are also available on the site and can be found in our archives. If a particular subject is of interest our search facility will help you to find all relevant items.
Journal, Edition 2
- Comparison of the stelae of wsrimn (Fisher Collection, Detroit) and of ddwsbk (Louvre C240 and BM566) of Dynasty XII. By Etienne Vander Walle (translated by Diana Gainer)
- Who Is King Scorpion? By Francis Lankester
- The contributions of A.J. Arkell to eastern Saharan prehistory. By Andrea Byrnes
- Hatshepsut, King of Egypt (1479–1458 BC). By Barbara O'Neill
- Ancient Egyptian Religion, Part 3 – Temples, Festivals and Personal Piety. By Brian Alm
- An Introduction to The Coptic Period in Egypt. The Early Christian era 1st Century AD – 7th Century AD. By Howard Middleton-Jones
- AWT Conference 2011 Review: Glass Faience and Pottery Making at Amarna (Paul Nicholson). By Kate Phizackerley
- AWT Conference 2011 Review: Curse of the Pharaoh’s DNA (Jo Marchant). By Kate Phizackerley
- Book Review: Gifts of the Nile – Ancient Egyptian Faience (edited by Florence Dunn). By Andrea Byrnes
- Notes on the goddess Pakhet. By Andrea byrnes
Photo Album
- Fatimid Rock Crystal in the V&A Museum, London. By Sarah Preece
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