Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Museum of Turin Egyptology collections go online

Museo Egizio, Torino

The Museo Egizio di Torino (now governed by a Foundation) is striving to modernise itself. The works in progress include:

  1. researching, documenting and conserving the collections;
  2. improving information and services for the public;
  3. updating the tired displays; and
  4. refurbishing the palace.

In a digital age, all museums must face the often all-too-meagre state of their documentation and decide whether to delay or to make everything accessible and constantly to update the entries on line. We have chosen to go on line and to continue upgrading the information, especially bibliographic references and dating/chronology. We hope our collections prove a useful contribution to Egyptology and to your individual research. The Museum is grateful for all user input (, but cannot be expected to respond to individual comments.

In order to confer progressively the collections to the Foundation, the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e del Museo Antichità Egizie has produced index card information of the objects in the magazines, along with photographs. This project, financed by MiBAC for € 185.000, has also included various institutions promoting formative internships (project page).

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