Wednesday, November 30, 2005

EEF News Digest
The EEF's weekly news digest, which is the best list around for lectures, digitized publications, and exhibitions, as well as providing a roundup of the week's Egyptology news, is now online at the above address.
A couple of news highlights which I missed include:

Un encuentro con los faraones (an encounter with the pharaohs)
In Spanish, but here's a very rough translation of the introductory paragraph (see the site for details): "The notable historian Violeta Pereyra attended a conference at the UNLP. She spoke about the conservation of Theban Tomb Nº 49. It consists of a sepulchre built more than 1300 years before Christ, which is being repaired by an interdisciplinary team of Argentinian professionals.

Karnak, architecture 3D
In French, but here's yet another of my gung-ho translations (see the above page for the full item): "At the University of Montreal, a team of architects, assisted by an Egyptologist, seeks to investigate how Karnak was built. This archeological site of Ancient Egypt is the largest religious complex ever set up by the man". The brief introductory story is accompanied by a link to a video, and is followed by a link to details about the project:
The video is well worth watching even if you don't speak French - the images make everything very clear and the computer reconstructions are fascinating. It lasts for 6.30 minutes.
See the EEF website for more.

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