Friday, August 18, 2006

Hawass hopes to locate the tomb of Cleopatra
In his first trip to South Africa, Zahi Hawass has announced that he hopes to locate the tomb of Cloepatra in two months time: "Hawass told The Star on Wednesday that he suspects Cleopatra is buried with her Roman lover Mark Antony at a temple 30km from Alexandra called Tabusiris Magna. 'I believe it is a very sacred place and this is where they would have hidden Cleopatra and Marc Antony from Octavian,' Hawass explained. Access to the tomb, Hawass believes, is through a shaft. Previously he had descended 35m down the shaft but could get no further because of water."
See the above page for the remainder of the report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cleopatera is COOL!