Friday, February 27, 2009

Daily Photo by Bob Partridge (Ancient Egypt Magazine)

Thanks to Bob for pointing out that there is a really good virtual reconstruction of the the tomb of Menna, the topic of yesterday's photo, on the Discovery Channel website. It is interactive, so you can examine different parts of the tomb by clicking on different areas of the page. Excellent stuff.

Medinet Habu, mortuary temple of Ramesses III, west bank at Luxor

With many thanks to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine.
Copyright Bob Partridge


Anonymous said...

I have a crush on traveling around the world and I visited the tomb of Menna almost 2 years ago...
It is a really wonderful tomb with fabulous wall drawings....
I recommend all lovers of Pharaonic reliefs to have close view of accuracy of carvings and the wonderful photos of goddess Nekhbet decorating doorway !!! the photos tell it all

Anonymous said...

It seems that the link apear broken
here is the correct one
Photo Gallery for Mena Tomb