Friday, January 22, 2010

Conference: Experiment and Experience - Ancient Egypt in the Present

Swansea University Conference Page

Conference announcement

Please see for the full announcement, programme and booking form.

We have discounted rates for students and early bird booking (before 15 February), and daily rates as well!

Are you interested in ancient Egypt ? Are you interested in ancient technology or crafts?

This is a conference where academics, craftspeople and the general public, in fact all those interested in ancient Egypt or in technology, can meet and share their common enthusiasm. All ages and abilities are welcome. We have an exciting array of demonstrations and talks lined up for you, from flint knapping to flower arranging, from textiles to ship building, not to mention woodworking, stoneworking, manufacturing ritual clay artefacts, shipbuilding, antler bow manufacture, glassworking, an oral performance, and of course mummification!

Experimental archaeology applies the scientific method, and has the potential to be a powerful research tool while being interdisciplinary. Along with experiential approaches, it is a perfect medium for education and widening participation. This conference aims to integrate the arts, humanities and sciences. Through a series of lectures, workshops and practical demonstrations we will explore the value of a hands-on approach to understanding the past, in particular, Ancient Egypt.

Hosted by CEMA, Egypt Centre and the Department of History and Classics, Swansea University
9am Monday 10th through Wednesday 12th May 2010
Faraday A , Swansea University


Salima Ikram (keynote speaker):
From the Meadow to the Em-baa-lming Table: Experimental Archaeology and Mummification

Ashley Cooke
The Experimental Work of F.C.J. Spurrell: Faience, Glass and Beads

Pearce Paul Creasman
Exposing Ancient Shipbuilders Secrets through Experimental Reconstruction

Andrzej Ćwiek
Limestone Speaking: Experience and Experiments in the Field

Carolyn Graves-Brown
Experimental Work on Egyptian Lithics: From Spurrell to Lund

Sonia Focke
The Horn Bow - Egyptology's Problem Child

Rosalind Janssen
Ancient Egyptian Pleating

Janet Johnstone
Practical Dressmaking for Ancient Egyptians: Ancient Sewing Techniques
and Replica Clothing Construction

Geoffrey Killen
Ancient Egyptian Woodworking

Marquardt Lund
Flintknapping Scenes from the Beni-Hasan Tombs Viewed and Interpreted
by a Contemporary Flintknapper

Sally McAleely
Experimental Recreation of a an Ancient Egyptian Funerary Garland
Found on the Mummy of Ramesses II.

John Merkel
New Kingdom Copper Smelting, Refining and Casting Experiments

Paul Nicholson
Could the Egyptians Make Glass? An Integrated Approach to Experimental

Pauline Norris
Keeping the Horse in Front of the Chariot: Experiments and
Observations on Harnessing and Handling Horses in Ancient Egypt

Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing
Experimental Philology: Performing Ancient Egyptian Poetry

Ann Richards
Could Ancient Egyptian Textiles Have Pleated Themselves?

Donald Ryan
Reed boats and the Experimental Archaeology of Thor Heyerdahl

Denys Stocks
Some Experiments in Ancient Egyptian Stone Technology

Kasia Szpakowska
Making and Breaking Ritual Figurines

Willeke Wendrich
Apprenticeship as a Research Method

For further information, please contact us
Kasia Szpakowska
Carolyn Graves-Brown
or visit our websites:

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